Démo deferred shading

C'est une ancienne démo (2013) implémentant un rendu déferré.

 - Sample deferred rendering of a basic scene with 1001 lights.

 - Arrow keys to move the camera.
 - 'F1' key to cycle through SMAA (anti-aliasing) modes:
    * Disable (no AA).
    * Low quality.
    * Medium quality.
    * High quality.
    * Ultra quality.
 - 'F2' key to enable / disable SSAO (screen space ambient occlusion using Crytek's method).
 - 'Space' key to cycle through rendering passes:
    * Final composited pass.
    * Materials aldebo (colors) buffer (inside GBuffer MRT).
    * Materials specular color buffer (inside GBuffer MRT).
    * Materials specular shininess buffer (inside GBuffer MRT).
    * View space surface normals buffer (inside GBuffer MRT).
    * View space linear depth buffer (inside GBuffer MRT).
    * SSAO pass (if SSAO is enable).
    * Transparent materials pass (scene blending and lighting using 3 nearer lights).
    * HDR Downsampling pass
    * HDR Luminance 64x64 pixels pass
    * HDR Luminance 16x16 pixels pass
    * HDR Luminance 4x4 pixels pass
    * HDR Luminance pixels pass
    * HDR Bright pass
    * DoF (Depth of Field) Depth pass
    * SMAA (anti-aliasing) edges detection pass (if anti-aliasing is enable).
    * SMAA (anti-aliasing) blend weight pass (if anti-aliasing is enable).

Recent changes:
 - [Bug correction] Now works on ATI cards
 - DoF (Although it's still not composited in the final pass yet...)
 - HDR luminance and bright pass (Although they are still not composited in the final pass yet...)
 - Sky
 - Frame information panel
 - SMAA anti-aliasing
 - Transparent rendering

Download: usul_binary_20130807.rar (23Mo)